In our rush to make Christmas perfect we sometimes forget what it’s really about. This piece by Kip Tabb writing for the North Beach Sun brings a beautiful perspective to the season.

“We don’t think of light as a miracle any more, yet that memory of a time when we held back the darkness with a single candle is still with us. That candle, held aloft in the darkest of nights, meant more than light, for it symbolized a triumph over the unseen and unknown that surrounded us.
It is why we illuminate the sky at Christmas, decorate a Christmas tree with light and color. It is no accident that in this darkest of nights, at the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere where Christianity began, there is an abiding faith in the power and symbolism of light. It is a point of belief when all seems darkest, a reminder that faith holds out the promise of hope in everything we do.”
[box type=”bio”] A wonderful way to view the holidays from the North Beach Sun.[/box]