Currituck County looks to parking fees to relieve Carova congestion.
As the popularity of the 4WD area of Carova has exploded, congestion on the beach has become a significant problem. With paved roads not permitted in the area, the beach is the most heavily traveled part of the transportation network. Sam Walker, writing for the Outer Banks Voice explains what County Commissioners are hoping the fees will accomplish and why they feel it is necessary.

“The Currituck County Board of Commissioners appears on the verge of implementing a plan requiring a pass to park on the county’s beaches by as early as this May.
“This isn’t going to prevent people with four-wheel drives from driving up to Carova for sightseeing,” board Chairman Bobby Hanig said Monday.
“The end goal is to limit the amount of people in the 4×4 area, and somehow to eliminate congestion on the beach.”
[box type=”bio”] Read the rest of this story 0n the Outer Banks Voice.[/box]