Cahoon’s Market in Nags Head is an Outer Banks mainstay, a family run business located next to Jennette’s Pier that has survived the onslaught of the big name supermarkets. As Russ Lay’s article in the Outer Banks Voice tells it, a step through the doors is a step back in time and a great example of how the best businesses remain true to who they are as they adapt and change.

“Truth in advertising.
At Cahoon’s Market, the slogan is “If we don’t have it, you don’t need it.”
There was a time when the Outer Banks was dotted with tiny, all-purpose stores like Cahoon’s one every few miles or so along the Beach Road or U.S. 158.
Now only a few remain. But the ones that have survived the onslaught of development have done so by differentiating themselves from the corporate giants.
The heart of Cahoon’s Market is Dorothy Cahoon, known as “Miss Dot” to legions of locals and long-time visitors who frequent her store.
Miss Dot is 91.”
[box type=”bio”] To find out how wonderfully different Cahoon’s is, click HERE.[/box]