hatteras lighthouse goes dark

Winter Storms Cause Beacon Blackout at Diamond Shoals. The Cape Hatteras Lighthouse has gone dark. Winter storms have damaged the lighting system of the iconic guardian of the Outer Banks. Joy Crist, writing for the Island Free Press explains what happened and what is involved in relighting the beacon. “The Cape Hatteras Lighthouse has been… Continue reading hatteras lighthouse goes dark

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passenger ferry to ocracoke is making progress

Improved service, more options coming soon to Ocracoke/Hatteras Ferry! Soon there will be an additional way to get to Ocracoke– without your car. A new passenger ferry that will leave from Hatteras Island and dock in Silver Lake Harbor should be available by summer. Check out the latest information in the NCDOT press release. “In… Continue reading passenger ferry to ocracoke is making progress

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ocracoke shorebird mystery

Bird count normal, but shorebirds absent. Whatever the reason may be, bird counters noticed an absence of shorebirds at the annual Ocracoke Christmas Bird Count. Perhaps it was the cold winds blowing across the waters, or the waters of Pamlico Sound much more shallow than normal…or maybe it was just cyclical.  Peter Vankevich writing for… Continue reading ocracoke shorebird mystery

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snobx 2018 = an ice and snowpocalypse

Sledding on Windgrass.

Winter storm Grayson transforms beach communities. The Outer Bank doesn’t get transformed into a winter wonderland very often, but when it happens its magical. Yes the road were bad—ok, worse than bad…almost impassable…and the north wind was cold, but taking the time check out the beach or to walk along Kitty Hawk Bay or around… Continue reading snobx 2018 = an ice and snowpocalypse

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snowy owls return to obx

Elusive raptor returns to NC coast. Snowy owls, with a mind of their own when it comes to migration, are back on the Outer Banks. The elusive bird has been spotted on Ocracoke and Pea Island over the past month. Wildlife experts think this will be a banner year for the raptor, as Peter Vankevich reports… Continue reading snowy owls return to obx

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