80 years young for the lost colony

The lost colony celebrates 80 years! For 80 years The Lost Colony has been entertaining Outer Banks audiences with its thrilling story of England’s first attempt at colonizing the new world. As Neel Keller, writing for the Outer Banks Sentinel, tells it, the play has maintained its excitement by always finding new ways to improve.… Continue reading 80 years young for the lost colony

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southern living mag votes obx best island!

Standing guard. Photo by Dawn Church.

OBX tops Southern Living’s best island list. Confirming what everyone on the Outer Banks already knows, Southern Living gave the OBX the number 1 spot on their “The South’s Best Island 2017” list! Ok, maybe ALL of the Outer Banks aren’t exactly islands, but they are spot on when it comes to the “best” selection. “A vacation at… Continue reading southern living mag votes obx best island!

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new shrimp regulations = a long battle

Opposition grows to proposed shrimping regulations. Opposed by North Carolina fishermen who fear it will destroy their livelihood, the new regulations approved by the NC Marine Fisheries Commission are facing widespread criticism from towns and citizens in coastal North Carolina. Writing for the Outer Banks Voice, Sam Walker explores the regulations that scientists question, but one environmental… Continue reading new shrimp regulations = a long battle

15,000 sq. ft. mini-hotel no go in currituck

Aerial view of the Letendre home. Construction on the 15,000 sq. ft. building has been halted.

Citing legal setbacks and local opposition, Currituck County Commissioners have pulled the rug out from a massive 15,000 square foot project in Carova. William West writing for the Daily Advance supplies the details behind the Commissioners’ decision. “Completion of a nearly-finished, massive house on the Currituck Outer Banks was recently blocked by the county commission which cited… Continue reading 15,000 sq. ft. mini-hotel no go in currituck

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