a new hotel in kdh = the first in 30 years!

Ebb Tide Motel Sign.

Newest hotel on the OBX to be a Marriott The last new hotel in KDH, the Quality Inn, was built on the OBX in 1989. Since 2000, Dare County’s northern beaches have lost 25% of their motel/hotel rooms, many of which were torn down and replaced with large, multi-family rental homes. But the rush to build… Continue reading a new hotel in kdh = the first in 30 years!

all kinds of fun may be brewing in corolla!

Microbrewery may be coming to Corolla soon.

Is a microbrewery in Corolla’s future? The first steps have been taken to bring a microbrewery to Corolla, and have also opened the doors to wineries and artisan food. There are still a number of steps to go, but the process has begun, according to Dee Langston writing for the Outer Banks Voice. Looks like they… Continue reading all kinds of fun may be brewing in corolla!

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pirates pitch in after hurricane matthew

The hurricane may have cancelled the Jamboree, but it’s hard to keep a good pirate down! They are part time pirates but those who could gave a full measure of support when Hurricane Matthew canceled the Ocracoke Pirate Jamboree. Fifteen hearty part-time pirates made the journey to Ocracoke to help put the town back together again according Connie Leinbach… Continue reading pirates pitch in after hurricane matthew

currituck welcomes H2OBX waterpark!

$46 million H2OBX waterpark coming to the OBX in 2017 Construction Underway On “Best In Class” Waterpark   “A $46 million waterpark is now under construction on the Outer Banks and experts are hailing it as one of the most innovatively designed and uniquely located waterparks in world. H2OBX Waterpark will complement the region’s unique tourism offerings when it… Continue reading currituck welcomes H2OBX waterpark!

first flight elementary hosts “trick-or-treat night”

 PTO fundraiser hosts haunted house & more at First Flight Elementary This looks like too much fun to miss! Take the kids, take Mom, take Dad–take anyone who knows or remembers what it’s like to be a kid to First Flight Elementary in Kill Devil Hills on Saturday evening. The best thing of all? It’s for… Continue reading first flight elementary hosts “trick-or-treat night”

matthew + obx = a sigh of relief

The crazy path of Hurricane Matthew. Weather Underground ensemble models with white line showing consensus track.

OBX sighs in relief as Matthew (hopefully) steers clear As the projected path of Hurricane Matthew takes ever stranger twists and turns, the Outer Banks has apparently moved out of the danger zone. There will still be local effects from the monster storm as Kip Tabb writing for the North Beach Sun reports, but from Ocracoke… Continue reading matthew + obx = a sigh of relief

hurricane matthew approaches obx

National Hurricane Center Prediction at 11 a.m. 10/4.

Is the Outer Banks in Matthew’s path? We know we’re going to feel the effects of Hurricane Matthew here on the Outer Banks. What we do not know yet, is what those effects will be. Rob Morris in his article for the Outer Banks Voice does a great job of describing what the Outer Banks… Continue reading hurricane matthew approaches obx

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