Confirming what locals have always known, this article from About Sports talks about how great the fishing is on the Outer Banks and, better still, hands out some great advice on when and where to go.

“The Outer Banks of North Carolina are one of the most popular fishing destinations on the eastern seaboard, and with good reason. This unique chain of barrier islands is situated adjacent to both the Labrador Current and the offshore waters of the famed Gulf Stream, which provides anglers with convenient access to an extremely wide variety of popular gamefish. These picturesque islands also happen to be closer to that rich southerly current than any other point of land on the eastern coast of North America, which depending upon prevailing conditions can be as close as 12 miles from shore.
Summer is definitely high season on the Outer Banks, but good fishing is available on a year round basis as long as the weather permits. Offshore charter boats fishing the Gulf Stream generally accommodate 4 to 6 anglers and target big game glamor species like marlin, tuna, wahoo and dolphinfish.”
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