Now thats a big squid!
Portsmouth Island, just south of Ocracoke, is known for being a unique place, but a 40 pound live squid on the beach? That takes unique to a whole new level. As Brad Rich reports, writing for the Coastal Review Online, some creative thinking and great detective work revealed the answer to what kind of giant squid was found.

“It’s not every day you see a big red squid alive on a beach in Carteret County. If it were, folks might be a bit alarmed. They are, uh, different-looking when they’re big. Maybe not the “Creature from the Black Lagoon” different. Weird enough, though.
But Winterville resident Carey Walker, who was driving down Portsmouth Island in late March, wasn’t alarmed, just curious, when he saw the unusual specimen. He picked it up, and like any good visitor to Core Banks, cared enough about marine life to put it back in the water, after getting a photo or two, of course.
He never saw the squid come back. But he has wondered what it was. And so have many others who’ve seen the photos.”
[box type=”bio”] It’s not every day a giant squid washes up on a North Carolina beach. Read the rest of the story on the Coastal Review Online.[/box]