lost colony: new clues in obx mystery

The mystery of what happened to the Lost Colony has been a part of Outer Banks lore for over 400 years. As Cate Kozak reports in Coastal Review Online, new technologies may be revealing unseen clues that could reveal the answer to one of history’s most persistent riddles.

Governor John White retuning to the Lost Colony to discover the only clue, the word "Croatan" carved into a tree.
Governor John White retuning to the Lost Colony to discover the only clue, the word “Croatan” carved into a tree.

“Digging on the Internet may prove to be more fruitful than decades of digging in the earth has been in deciphering the stubborn mysteries of early English exploration of the New World.

Thanks to new digitalization of some British historic records, a previously unseen document likely dating from 1584 to early 1585 appears to be communication from Sir Walter Raleigh about the first of the 1584-1587 Roanoke Voyages and details of the visit to England by Native Americans Manteo and Wanchese.”


[box type=”bio”] To learn more about the fate of the Lost Colony, click HERE.[/box]