The Mid-Currituck Bridge may happen in our lifetimes. Thirty-eight years after it first appeared in a Currituck County planning proposal and after fits and starts on the federal and state level, NCDOT is taking concrete steps to move the project forward. Sam Walker writing for the Outer Banks Voice gives the background.

“The state Board of Transportation voted Thursday to allocate $5.7 million to purchase a parcel of land in Corolla that would become the eastern landing of the proposed Mid-Currituck Bridge.
The 7-acre property is adjacent to the Corolla Bay neighborhood and is owned by Northeastern North Carolina Properties LLC, a division of Towne Bank, which had approached Currituck County leaders several times, including as recently as this summer, for approval to develop the land between the Currituck Sound and N.C. 12.”
[box type=”bio”] Important steps are being taken to make the Mid-Currituck Bridge a reality. Get the rest of the story on the Outer Banks Voice.[/box]