If you’ve never been to the Outer Banks Beachcomber Museum, you’ll want to put it on your list. You’ll need to be a little vigilant– checking around to see what days it will be open (hot tip: it’s open Thursdays and Fridays this August from 10 am to 4pm, and usually on holiday weekends), but it will be worth your while. Just as Nellie Myrtle couldn’t be contained by four walls, the Museum is fairly bursting with the collection of her lifetime and is a testament to days gone by on the Outer Banks. Loads of information, photos and this delightful story of Nellie Myrtle’s life, “The Collector,’ by Lorraine Newton, can be found on the Museum site.

“The old register at the grocery fell silent a quarter century ago. Worn wooden shelves that once showcased canned peas and collards are now crammed with beach glass,feathers, shells, sand, bricks and bottles. Glass cases that once tempted children with peppermint sticks and licorice whips are littered with whalebones, peace pipes and driftwood. Walls are draped in fishing tackle.”
[box type=”bio”] Read the story here.