It would be tough to imagine a better day or better conditions for this year’s Outer Banks Seafood Festival. This article by Kip Tabb writing for the North Beach Sun captures some of the fun and festivities!

“Whoever dialed up the weather for the 4th Annual Outer Banks Seafood Festival gets my vote for citizen of the year. With temperatures that topped out at 70, a gentle breeze off the sound and hardly a cloud in sight, conditions were as close to perfect as they could be.
Held at the Outer Banks Event Site in Nags Head, the festival itself did not disappoint. With lots of seafood to sample from so many Outer Banks restaurants, great music and happy crowds it truly was a day to celebrate the local heritage of living off the bounty of the sea.”
[box type=”bio”] A great time at the Outer Banks Seafood Festival. Get the rest of the story on the North Beach Sun![/box]