NCDOT Leases craft from New Jersey.
There will be high speed passenger service between Hatteras and Ocracoke after all. NCDOT had to jump through some hoops and find one in New Jersey, but there will be service. The often delayed Ocracoke Express is still months away from service, but where there’s a will there’s a way. Peter Vankevich and Connie Leinbach report for the Ocracoke Observer.

“The long-planned passenger ferry serving travelers between Hatteras and Ocracoke Village is set to launch Monday, the state Department of Transportation’s Ferry Division announced Friday.
When Harold Thomas and Jed Dixon, the top two officials of the N.C. Ferry Division, were invited to Wednesday’s Ocracoke Civic & Business Association meeting for a briefing on the status of the beleaguered passenger ferry service, there could not have been a better show-and-tell opportunity.
“How about we hold the meeting on the ‘Martha’s Vineyard Express?’” Dixon asked Helena Stevens, OCBA executive director on Tuesday.”
To read the complete Ocracoke Observer story click here.