Temps are heating up on the Outer Banks, and so are the weekend events! The weather is looking beautiful for two of our favorite spring events, the Mustang Spring Jam in Corolla and Kitty Hawk Kite’s 42nd Annual Hang Gliding Spectacular in Nags Head at Jockey’s Ridge, so whichever end of the OBX you are on there’s a good reason to get outside. This great blog over at Brindley Beach Vacations has great info on both of these fun events.

“The big event for the weekend is the 4th Annual Mustang Spring Jam at Mike Dianna’s Grill Room in Timbuck II in Corolla on Sunday, May 17. Tickets are $15 in advance (HERE) or $20 at the gate.
Once again Mike Dianna has managed to find some of the best musicians around—national acts that don’t play to the large auditoriums but are really worth checking out. Two in particular this year rise to the surface—New Madrid with their tight southern rock sound combine a classic sound with some new ways to think about music.
Josh Daniel/Mark Schimick Project takes bluegrass to a new place . . . somewhere between rock, bluegrass and blues. Tight and innovative. Really worth a listen.
At the other end of the Outer Banks the 43rd Annual Hang Gliding Spectacular will be happening all weekend at Jockey’s Ridge State Park in Nags Head. As much a celebration and reunion of hang gliding pilots who have been coming to the competition for years, events include a block party on Friday night at Kitty Hawk Kites and dune flying all weekend.”
[box type=”bio”] Get the rest of the story at Brindley Beach Vacations![/box]