Mother Ocean likes to take things: ships, sand, beach balls and sometimes your sunglasses. Occasionally she gets in a mood and tosses a few things back onto the beach. This week’s wild weather turned up an old shipwreck in Corolla, according to this great story by Michelle Wagner for the Outer Banks Voice.

“Heavy surf has once again uncovered the remains of a shipwreck near Whalehead that many local residents believe to be part of the 19th century ship called the Metropolis.
The portion of the wreck discovered on Thursday near the Albecore off-road vehicle ramp gave onlookers one of the best viewings of the buried wreck since it was first stumbled upon in 1997. The ocean has routinely exposed the wreckage to varying degrees since.”
[box type=”bio”] Read the rest of the wreck story on the Outer Banks Voice.[/box]