michelangelo in manteo?

It seems that the Elizabethan Gardens in Manteo may be a repository of surprising historic works of art. First, evidence indicates strongly that a portrait of Queen Elizabeth owned by the Gardens is a rare example of an unflattering depiction of Elizabeth I. Now, according to an article written by Elizabethan Gardens Marketing Director John Buford,… Continue reading michelangelo in manteo?

see the best of roanoke island on may 10th!

Now that the Outer Banks weather is finally improving, it’s time to get outside and enjoy the scenery.  It would be hard to find a prettier place to enjoy the outdoors than Roanoke Island and Manteo. Nancy Proctor at Outer Banks CommonGood does a great job of outlining what to expect on a special tour… Continue reading see the best of roanoke island on may 10th!