Founded 25 years ago when author David Stick donated his archival collection to the state, the Outer Banks History Center located at Roanoke Island Festival Park, became an amazing resource for researchers or any one who is looking for information about the history of coastal North Carolina. Adventures in North Carolina Culture, the official blog of the N.C. Department of Cultural Resources, gives some great background about the facility and describes the visit from Susa Klutz, Cultural Resources Secretary.

“Each summer , thousands of tourists descend on the Outer Banks for fun in the sun. Though the region is long on history, many visitors don’t grasp the rich past of North Carolina’s coastal region while on their beach trips.
Recently, Cultural Resources Secretary Susan Kluttz got to see one institution that’s working to change that when she joined the Outer Banks History Center for its 25th anniversary celebration. The center, one of two regional branches of the State Archives, is located within the Roanoke Island Festival Park in Manteo. The nearly 300,000 items in its collection cover everything from coastal military operation to shipwrecks and lighthouses to North Carolina’s discovery and early exploration. There is something for everyone in their vast collection.”
[box type=”bio”] To learn more about how the Outer Banks History Center makes history come alive, click HERE.[/box]