Kelleta Govan and cafeteria staff provide over 1300 free meals every day for Dare County children.
There is a remarkable spirit of “we’re in this together” here on the Outer Banks. No where, perhaps, is that better shown than in the way Dare County Schools School Nutrition Administrator Kelleta Govan created a program to feed every child in Dare County under 18 years of age. Kip Tabb, writing for the Outer Banks Voice tells the story.

“COVID-19 has uncovered heroes in unexpected places. Kelleta Govan, School Nutrition Administrator for Dare County Schools (DCS), seems to fall into that category. With almost no notice, Govan has made it possible to feed any Dare County child from birth to age 18. And do it, even though the schools are closed.
As she describes it, the plan came together in less than three days. The program includes providing breakfast and lunch every weekday in about 20 different locations—including three Dare County schools as well as the mainland, Hatteras, Roanoke Island and the Northern Outer Banks.”