Ethash - 64Mh/s 155 Watts Etchash - 64Mh/s 155 Watts Autolykos - 135Sol/s 140 Watts I am very new to mining and having a problem with my GPU setting for Ergo. 1 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 LHR. 3060 Hashrate Nicehash Recipes This video tested 6 different LHR graphics cards using NBMiner v40.1 on Windows and share our mining results and overclocking settings. RTX 3060 LHR Ergo Mining Hashrate in HiveOS - Criptomoedas … Currently, the NiceHash Miner, QuickMiner, will only work with 100% … From … N/A = leave blank. 3.1 Ethash (ETH) – 49Mh/s 115 Watts. 3060 overclock settings mining hiveos 3060 lhr ergo hiveos setting 3060 overclock settings mining hiveos RTX 3060 LHR Mining Mining Overclocks RTX 3060 KAWPOW - Crypto Mining Blog my 42 mhs rtx 3060 ti lhr overclocking settings in hiveos. Member. 3060 lhr ergo hiveos setting. 3060 lhr ergo hiveos setting. --log-no-job - Set this option to disable ‘New job’ info in console and log … Power limit: 70%. Note: everything on this channel is not affected by LHR, RTX 3060 v1 with driver 460.39 older. 2 RTX 3060 LHR Overview. Descubra vídeos populares sobre 3060 lhr minerando | TikTok Building & Construction Experts.
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