cortex xdr api

Currently it lets you get endpoints, incidents and alerts. Get XQL Query Results. Threat Intelligence - Palo Alto Networks CDL API Explorer. Palo Alto Networks Cortex XDR - Investigation and Response For API key type the API generated in Step 2. The Cortex XDR app for Android prevents known malware and unknown APK files from running on your Android endpoints. New Cortex XDR 2.0 Features Increase Retrieve PCAP Packet Scan Endpoints - In the case of a cURL-based script then the right choice is the Standard security level. If you plan to use client libraries like the pan-cortex-xdr-nodejs then you better opt for the Advanced security level. Details on how to format the HTTP Authorization headers can be found in the Get Started with Cortex XDR APIs document. In case you need to play with a pre-release version of the package then you can … It's another … What you’ll learn. The XDR integration instance incoming mapper is set to Cortex XDR - Incoming Mapper and the outgoing mapper is set to Cortex XDR - Outgoing Mapper. XQL Query APIs. Start an XQL Query. Hunting; Attack; attack; Animorphs; Cortex XDR; … Cortex XDR Configure the API key and click Save. Incident Management APIs. In your XDR portal, go to Settings > Configurations. Load your environment: api_key - API Key. Résumé. XQL APIs. Incident Management APIs. Replace … This is intended to give you an instant insight into cortex-xdr-client implemented functionality, and help decide if they suit your requirements. These data points can then be combined with your Cortex data to provide more context for events and enable more thorough response.

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