c) Push the commit with the new data again. Eclipse plugin for Cucumber. In the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings. Lets pull from our GitHub repository again so that our code is up-to-date: git pull remote: Enumerating objects: 5, done. Git Push to Remote Branch - How to Push a Local Branch to Origin How do I push a project from Eclipse to github? - AskingLot.com Open the terminal from the project folder. In the folder where you have your java files, create/ initialize a local repository. Github: How to Fork Github Repository, Create Pull Request and Merge? How to create a branch in Git & How to Create & Checkout ... - TOOLSQA Then you can successfully push your file to remote server and you can setup a SSH Connection. Here's where some magic happens: on this next screen the details should already be filled out for you, as shown below. Step 10: git push origin master [Master >> Branch Name]. For example, if you need to push a branch named " feature " to the "origin" remote, you would execute the following query. As a Full Stack Developer, complete the features of the application by planning the development in terms of sprints and then push the source code to the GitHub repository. If you want to rename your current HEAD branch, you can use the following command: $ git branch -m <new-name>. git checkout -b Branch_name How to create GitHub Repository and its integration with Eclipse? Use Ctrl+3 (or Cmd+3) and type Create a new Git repository in the dialog. Eclipse and Github Tutorial - Code with Joy Using EGit, you should be able to right-click your project, and go to Team -> Show in Repositories View (you might want to maximise the resulting Git Repositories window).