Ellis Island was not only immigrant processing, it was finding one's way around the city, learning to speak English, getting one's first job or apartment, going to school, wearing American clothes, and perhaps adjusting one's name to a new spelling or pronunciation. About 2 percent of immigrants were detained at Ellis Island for Special Inquiry (SI). Detained individuals then faced an extended interview with inspectors and medical staff. Start here! Immigration Ellis Island – Immigrant Inspection Process – City Beautiful Blog … Get Started Qu'est-ce qu'Ellis Island ? - Spiegato Immigrants Detained at Ellis Island | Sassy Jane Genealogy These immigrants have passed the medical inspection and now have to pass the legal inspection, which consisted of Immigration Officers asking questions based on information in … Updated daily during legislative session. This included a check for … Part Four: Legal Inspection. Law & Legal Issues . Click on the image of … General Information Our Records Microfilm Research Visiting Our Facility Obtaining Copies Online Databases Access to Archival Databases (AAD) Castle Garden Ellis Island Ancestry.com Other Resources Family History Centers Online General Information Immigration records, also known as "passenger arrival records," can provide genealogical information … The Registration Room at Ellis Island Inspection of our immigrants may be said to begin in Europe. The immigrant usually buys his steamship ticket in his native town from an agent or subagent of the steamship company. Ellis Island - immigrationamerica.weebly.com Mental Examinination Of Immigrants - 1917 - GG Archives In 1890, President Benjamin Harrison established the nation's first immigration station on Ellis Island. Immigrants were required to pass a series of medical and legal inspections before they could enter America.