marvel wiki adamantium

Autres noms : The Adamantium (VO) Première apparition : VO : Avengers (vol.1) #66 (juillet … Adamantium | Annex | Fandom And when the time … Adamantium (Marvel Animated Universe) | Marvel Movies | Fandom All Hallows (Android) Tasks: Spec Ops 4; All Spec Ops Missions Logo de la série de comic books Juggernaut . Adamantium - Wikipedia 4/19/2015. From Doc Ock to Ultron, here are the other heroes and villains who have used the alloy. Theorized to have been first deposited on Earth by a meteorite 1,000,000 years ago, the material has long been hypothesized … Adamant and the literary form adamantine occur in works such as Prometheus Bound, the Aeneid, The Faerie Queene, Paradise Lost, Gulliver's Travels, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Lord of the Rings, and the film Forbidden Planet (as "adamantine steel"), all of which predate the use of adamantium in Marvel's comics. Wolverine (character) - Wikipedia Liquid Adamantium | Minecraft Legends Mod Wiki | Fandom pourquoi hulk se transforme - Adamantium is a metallic compound of an unknown metal element. For other uses of "adamant" and similar terms, see Adamant (disambiguation). Adamantium is a fictional metal alloy appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. It is best known as the substance bonded to the character Wolverine 's skeleton and claws. This is one of the costume cores found within the game that can be used by some of the playable heroes to give them additional affixes. ADAMANTIUM este un aliaj de ficțiune care apare în cărți de benzi desenate publicate de editura Marvel Comics.Principala sa caracteristică este că este cel mai puternic dintre toate metalele … The code-name Weapon X was originally mentioned in the first appearance of Wolverine in The Incredible Hulk #180, in 1974, since which, it had been implied that he was connected to a shady … Matthew « Matt » Murdock, alias Daredevil est un super-héros évoluant dans l' univers Marvel de la maison d'édition Marvel Comics. Simulations show it … The very first form of Adamantium that mysteriously formed during Dr. McClain's experiments back in World War II is known as Proto-Adamantium.

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