FIELDSELECTION_ITEM_REFKEYS SAP Method - Field Selection Reference Key ... 1927793 - ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST (or user exits) not triggered at custom ... FIELDSELECTION_ITEM SAP Method - Special Field Selection Item Below is documentation, parameters and attributes of ABAP Method FIELDSELECTION_ITEM within SAP class IF_EX_ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST. In the Business Add-In ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST, the following methods are available enabling you to extend the business logic of the Enjoy purchase order. Step 给BADIME_PROCESS_PO_CUST 建一个 implementation 在Public Section 加入TYPE-POOLS mmmfd 在MethodIF_EX_ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST~FIELDSELECT ION_HEADER加入代码, 改变表ch_fieldselection 的field status ´-´代表hidden, ´+´或´.´表示editable, ´*´代表display METHODif_ex_me_process_po_cust~fieldselection_header. Important to change the code in line 38 to your customer field: * update existing data -yyrevisionstand = im_data-yyrevisionstand. READ TABLE ch_fieldselection into field_selection with KEY metafield = fields-field. check not fields[] is initial. Comprueba el método ME_GUI_PO_CUST~SUSCRIBE. Enhancement MM06E005 is having Component EXIT_SAPMM06E_017 . BAdI Interface IF_EX_ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST. . SAP系统的BADI:ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST中的CHECK方法用来检查PO数据的有效性,对于不合规的数据,需要Message提醒用户,系统在Include:MM_MESSAGES_MAC中 提供了一系列的 宏,用来处理message。简单介绍几个宏。1、mmpur_business_obj 用来指定后续消息的业务对象(抬头,行,计划行,科目分配等)2、mmpur_business_obj_id 用来 . Final output: FIELDSELECTION_ITEM; example: method IF_EX_ME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST~PROCESS_ITEM . There is also a number of example ABAP code snipts to help you implement this method. ME_GUI_PO_CUST. Enter e.g. 采购订单创建的检查:badi:me_process_po_cust 在所提供方法中->找到对应方法->实施增强; initialize open process_header process_item process_schedule process_account check post close fieldselection_header_refkeys fieldselection_header fieldselection_item_refkeys fieldselection_item. class for BAdI imp. garry walberg related to mark wahlberg 213-200-5078. famous malaysian male actors BACK TO ALL ARTICLES. Method : IF_EX_ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST~PROCESS_ITEM IF sy-tcode eq 'ME22N'. DATA: LS_MEPOITEM TYPE MEPOITEM, LS_CUSTOMER TYPE MEPO_BADI_EXAMPL, LS_TBSG TY . Below is documentation, parameters and attributes of ABAP Method FIELDSELECTION_ITEM_REFKEYS within SAP class IF_EX_ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST. Important to change the code in line 38 to your customer field: * update existing data <data>-yyrevisionstand = im_data-yyrevisionstand. data: l_mereq_item . To use the BAdI efficiently, you need to know the METAFIELD number of the field. the simple method you can run function module MEMFS_BUILD_MAPPING_PO_DOC and you need to enter MMPUR_PO_DOC or MMPUR_PR_DOC into parameter IM_APPLICATION. Go to Menu -> Implementation -> Overview -> and choose your implementation ii. use customer exit for your requirment. Typical applications for this BAdI include: Processing . (line 38) 7. if_ex_me_process_po_cust - fieldselection_item: badi interface if_ex_me_process_po_cust: 11 : class method : if_ex_me_process_po_cust - fieldselection_header_refkeys: badi interface if_ex_me_process_po_cust: 12 : class method : if_ex_me_process_po_cust - fieldselection_header: Comprueba el método ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST~FIELDSELECTION_ITEM. 现在我们对PO header加上自己的subscreen, SAP的例子提供的是对item增加subscreen. select * from zmmt001 into table fields. . Defaulting the Return PO Indicator | Toolbox Tech Sap 4代增强 - 编程猎人 Break point triggers in both me21n and me22n but not able view it. How To Create Customer Screen On ME21N | PDF - Scribd
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