sed remove everything after character

how to remove the last string after "." It looks like the origin of this was JSON data - if so, consider using a tool like jq that would allow you to extract the raw parameter value directly. What defines the first = is that all the characters before it are not =, so: sed 's/^ [^=]*=//'. Linux Commands – Remove All Text After X | Baeldung on Linux Sed remove characters after match code snippet - StackTuts For example, “. Here it is: So the final regex might be: Copy Code (dd300\/.+?,) There are numerous ways to replace the forward slash with backward slash. This is a GNU extension to the standard a comm 2nd Dates TC'-o_'5A9 3rd A th Shopowrer Dates 1Q26~^2 ^th Dates _U a t e s Dates R e 1 i g i o n … sed command to remove all lines until specific character Code … To remove everything except the last n … Ja-nn^vi "I 1 p KducationCnumber of years); grride school_^ high school vocational "^ college iicriipation(s) PLACE OF RESIDENCE (after leaving home) Is t Newspaper worker. sed removing text after character not always working. sed delete all … SED

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