Nathan Evans - Wellerman (TikTok Sea Shanty) | Official AudioListen to Wellerman now: the Wellerman sound on . Soon may the Wellerman come To bring us sugar and tea and rum One day, when the tonguin' is done We'll take our leave and go As far as I've heard, the fight's still on The line's not cut and the whale's not gone The Wellerman makes his regular call To encourage the Captain, crew, and all (Huh!) One day, when the tonguin' is done. :) 1 successes Wellerman and Told You So, which amassed over six million streams worldwide. "Wellerman" by The Longest Johns - Song Meanings and Facts Last week James Revell Carr, an ethnomusicology professor at the University . 'Hard-line shanty singers will often . Wellerman's six sections tell the fabled tale of a boat, the Billy of Tea, and her group's struggle to land a headstrong whale, "for 40 days, or maybe more.". The eagerly-awaited newbie follows the No. We say goodbye and go. We'll take our leave and go. who sang wellerman sea shanty? - Although we now think of a sea shanty as any kind of nautical folk music based around themes of the sea, a shanty is actually something much more specific. ClosingHare208. He performed 'Wellerman' in a TikTok that was then added to by a series of other shanty singers - and later musicians. Kaiju Monsterverse Sing-Wellerman (Sea Shanty) - YouTube She had not been two weeks from shore. They're full of energy and often contain a little humor and themes of the faraway world . Nathan Evans' passion is for Sea Shanties. It recently became an earworm for anyone on the social media app TikTok, thanks to a viral video started by Scottish postman and sea shanty singer Nathan Evans. The song was made famous by Scottish . The creator of the trend is Scottish postman, Nathan Evans, who posted his original sea shanty TikTok back in December, which currently has 6.7 million views and counting. Nathan Evans - Wellerman (Saltwives Mix) | Official VideoListen now: the Wellerman sound on TikTok: https://vm.tikt. a year ago. Sea shanty TikTok: what is a Wellerman, who is Nathan Evans - and why # ...
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